Why Choose Our Plans?

-1 A personalized and tailored dietary plan designed for your body. It relies on consultation, taking into account preferred foods, health concerns, and lifestyle.

-2 We won’t leave you alone. You won’t feel alone on your journey. We’ll be with you, asking about your commitment to the system, guiding you, and supporting you.

You won’t struggle to stay in touch with us and get the support you need. You’ll find prompt responses to your questions and concerns until we ensure they’ve been fully addressed.

-4 Practical support to help you implement the diet in your daily life. Easily prepare meals and dine out with your new dietary system and nutritional goals.

-5 We focus on long-term goals such as meeting the health and wellness needs of our clients. They may receive comprehensive and sustainable advice that they can integrate into their lives in the long term


Q: If I’ve tried dieting more than once and my metabolic rate has decreased, Is it possible for me to lose weight easily?

It may be challenging to lose weight if previous attempts have failed and metabolism has slowed down. However, by focusing on a customized diet plan for you, and seeking guidance from a specialist, and making sustainable changes Of course, weight loss is possible.

*Consult a nutritionist. Remember that losing weight is a journey that requires patience and care.*

Q/ Can I reach my ideal weight and stabilize this weight?

yeah *, It is possible that you can reach your ideal weight and maintain it permanently. However, It is important that you approach weight loss in a healthy and sustainable way. Instead of relying on quick fixes or complicated diets, Focus on making long-term lifestyle changes tailored to your individual needs and preferences.*

*Q: Can Dr. Ahmed help me with specific health conditions?*

*A: Dr. Ahmed certainly helps individuals manage a variety of health conditions through targeted nutritional and lifestyle recommendations.*

*He has experience helping individuals manage conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.*

*Q: Why is the family diet important for the success of the diet and lifestyle?*

*The family diet is extremely important for the success of lifestyle, especially for children, for multiple reasons. Parents and older family members serve as role models, Which affects the eating habits of children. Studies prove that healthy behaviors adopted in childhood continue into adulthood. The family diet helps establish healthy habits early, Educating children about nutrition and its effects. The food environment at home shapes eating behaviors, Eating meals together promotes bonding and positive relationships with food. Our online consultation and follow-up supports the development and maintenance of a nutritious family diet for long-term health*

*Q: Through online consultation and follow-up, will I get the same benefits as follow-up in the clinic?*

*A: certainly , Online consultation and follow-up, whether by video call or voice call, provide an opportunity for individuals to receive tailored nutritional and lifestyle recommendations from the comfort of their homes with the same features. Follow-up allows for personalized guidance that takes into account individual preferences, health history and lifestyle habits*

*Q: How do I start following my nutrition and diet plan*

*Online with Dr. Ahmed?*

*A: To subscribe to the tracking systems, all you have to do is choose the appropriate package or system that suits you*

*The payment process will then be completed*

*After that, we will contact you via WhatsApp or your email to verify your subscription and begin consultation and follow-up*

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